I incorrectly predicted that there's no violation of human rights in TIVERIOS AND VAN DER STRAETEN v. TURKEY.


  • Judgment date: 2019-02-12
  • Communication date: 2017-06-03
  • Application number(s): 38275/06
  • Country:   TUR
  • Relevant ECHR article(s): 6, 6-1, 14, P1-1
  • Conclusion:
    Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 - Protection of property (Article 1 para. 1 of Protocol No. 1 - Peaceful enjoyment of possessions)
  • Result: Violation

JURI Prediction

  • Probability: 0.826631
  • Prediction: No violation
  • Inconsistent


 In line with the court's judgment
 In opposition to the court's judgment
Darker color: higher probability
: In line with the court's judgment  
: In opposition to the court's judgment

Communication text used for prediction

The application concerns the domestic courts’ refusal to release the administration of the applicants’ property from the court-appointed trustee on the ground that the restrictions applied to the Greek nationals on their right to inherit immovable property was in conformity with the principle of reciprocity between Turkey and Greece.
The applicants complain under Article 6 and Article 1 of Protocol No.
1 to the Convention that their right to a fair trial and right to peaceful enjoyment of their possessions were violated as a result of the domestic courts’ decisions.
They also allege under Article 14 of the Convention that the violations in question occurred as a result of their Greek ethnic origin and Christian faith.
QUESTIOn tO THE PARTIES In the light of the Court’s judgments of Apostolidi and others v. Turkey (no.
45628/99, 27 March 2007); Nacaryan and Deryan v. Turkey (nos.
19558/02 and 27904/02, 8 January 2008); and Yianopulu v. Turkey (no.
12030/03, 14 January 2014); did the refusal of national authorities to release the administration of the applicant’s property from the court‐appointed trustee constitute a violation of their right to property within the meaning of Article 1 of Protocol No.1 to the Convention?
